WebQuest "Discover the States"


The following links will be helpful to you when your group researches its chosen region.

Lonely Planet provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment and site seeing guides for the region and destination of your choice:


Looksmart provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and the site seeing guides for the region of your choice.


Yahoo-Travel provides general information about specific destinations in the USA.



Excite-Travel provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.


Yahoo-Recreation/Travel provides entertainment and recreational information for the destination of your choice



Best Read Guide provides general information, maps, histories, travel packages, entertainment, and site seeing guides for the destination of your choice.


Other useful websites to plan your trip


http://www.usatourist.com (guide to the United States of America for visitors of around the world)

http://www.hm.usa.com (USA travel and tourist information)



www.amtrak.com (national railway)

www.greyhound.com (the largest North American intercity bus company)




www.HostelBookers.com (the largest network of hostels in North America and useful information about things to do and see)

www.hiusa.org (the official youth hostel site)



http://local.live.com (virtual map of the USA)

www.discoverymap.com (very recommendable!)



You can find all kinds of photographs in the "Images" section of Google (http://www.google.com) of Altavista (http://www.altavista.com).

Step 4:      Notetaking                  TRAVEL LOG

This travel log will help you to create your final travel plan. Print out the worksheet and record the information you found while researching on the internet. Give the completed form to your teacher. Keep a copy for your travel team.



Worksheet Nr.


Details about travel route

Important things to note down


Today we travelled from..to..

(locations and dates)




+ cost of transportation



Geographical features of region




CITIES, TOWNS visited on today’s route

·          Important information/aspects

·          accomodation (+prices)













Step 5:     Report

Now both teams - the recreational coordinator and the geographer - are ready to create the final travel report.

It should include the following parts:

  • Title

  • Brief introduction

  • All the important facts about your planned trip (region, travel route, places worth to visit, accomodation, activities, etc.)

  • Brief conclusion

  • Photographs, graphs and other elements to make it attractive


After you finished the travel report please make sure that two people in your group supervise the language content (grammar, spelling).

The other two group members are in charge of the layout of the report.


Step 6:      Presentation

Now you have to present your travel route to the other groups and in front of the magazine's jury. Remember that your main aim is to convince the jury that your proposal is the best one.

Here are a few tips to help you make your oral presentation more attractive:

  • Review your notes a few times before your presentation

  • Avoid reading

  • Use visual aids: posters, photographs, or PowerPoint

  • Keep as much eye contact with members of your audience as possible!


You can find more information about how to make an oral presentation on the following websites:

  • Virtual presentation assistant:


  • How to give a talk:
